Tuesday, September 27, 2011


(Okay, this post was supposed to be released yesterday, but apparently it didn't save.  Man, I SO like the old Blogger template better. >.<)

Anyways, turns out, Anna is moving from the world. Ain't that sunshine and daisies. And not only Anna, but McKaylee as well! Anna is one of my best friends and well, I'll say it, now that I've lost Chelsie, she's pretty much one of my two lifelines right now. And McKaylee- GYAH! MCKAYLEE CAN'T GO! SHE'S SO FREAKING EPIKLY NICE THAT SHE SEEMS TO HAVE MOTHER TERESA'S BLOOD IN HER VEINS OR SOMETHING! Not literally, but that's how nice she is and I am NOT exaggerating. At least shosei can hang out with them at Timplodge on Friday, though. I would kill myself or something if Anna never got to go...
I just love 3rd Ward and I love it a LOT. As stated on Sunday, I love it more than Naruto, that epic win PotC wedding and a double king-sized bar of Hershey's Cookies 'n' Milk Chocolate (like Leigha said, that's really saying something as it is GOOD).

At least on Monday there was no school- that was sweet! Went to the Malt Shoppe (any idea how GOOD that Oreo Cheesecake flavored shake is?!?!?!?!?!) and saw Zookeeper (not my type of movie and was found to be predictable, but there were pretty funny parts here or there).

Today was just a normal school day, really. Didn't see Eliza at Lunch, so I didn't sit with her. I did manage to find Tyler and Trisha, though. Trisha thinks that the scene Tyler and I performed at the end of the year last year (pretty much a spoof of Ocarina of Time) was boring, and Tyler keeps saying that apparently she has a very different sense of humor than we do. Yet again, Trisha didn't even have time to skim over the words. :P

Whoohoo! Early out tomorrow! Time to catch up on my writing!

-The Awesome Writer

(P.S. That Shosei thing up there? That's Japanese for yours truly. I was gonna use French, but I thought it'd be obvious what language I used...)

Sunday, September 25, 2011


You heard me. EPIC. WIN. WEDDING.
 For some very strange, random reason, I am now once again somewhat obsessed with Pirates of the Caribbean (On Stranger Tides comes out October 18th! Woot!). And there's a scene I love- the most epic romance scene of all time. It's when Will and Elizabeth get married- while fighting for their lives. It's freaking hilarious, so it's epik! No- it's legendary! I've got it right here!
<iframe width="480" height="270" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/mvenEcIHw8E?fs=1" frameborder="0" allowFullScreen=""></iframe>
 ... I want my wedding to be just like that.
 Also, it's got awesome lines, such as-
 "Who should marry us?"
 Oh man, just the look on Will's face!
 "Marry us, Barbosa!"
 "I'm a little busy at the moment!"
 Hehe, he's good at multitasking, staging off fish-men while serving as a priest.
 "Dearly beloved, we be gathered here today... To nail your gizzards to the mast ya poxy kurr!"
 ...Wanna take a guess how loud my laugh was at that line?
 "You may kiss-" *attack* "You may kiss-" *attack* "JUST KISS!!"
I LOVE THIS VIDEO! I want this wedding! And I want Barbosa to be the priest! XD
Hehe, anyways, away from the most epic wedding scene of all time. As for life so far- still doing blog adjustments. The sleepover with Anna was pretty cool- we watched Prom and talked a bit. And in a matter of hours Ward Bounderies will have changed, and I'm really nervous as to what the result will be. I do NOT want to change Wards! Luckily, I think there's a pretty good chance I'll stay in 3rd.
Personally, I know the reason why we're changing- because 3rd Ward is MASSIVE, second only to 5th. So 4th and 7th were very intimidated by the sheer awesomeness of us and wanted to split us up! XD Hehe, nah. But we ARE changing due to 3rds size. Man, I wonder how much 5th will decrease.
Aside from Ward Boundries, we apparently don't have Mutual on Wednesday. Why? Because of TIMPLODGE!
Whoohoo! This will be my third time to Timplodge and Chandler's and Anna's first! I can't wait- and Sister Gomm even said we didn't need to worry about having not done service last year- we made up for that in money. So, to my knowledge, this year's service project will be moving a bunch of rocks and stuff- Sis. Gomm suggested to bring gloves. After that, we'll eat dinner (I CALL DIBS ON BRINGING THE TRIPLE OREOS! And a large amount, too!) and have a dance. And by dance, I don't mean the Prom/Homecoming ones where a boy asks a girl and you slow dance- I mean that there'll be AWESOME music there- there always is! Kudos to Brother Nicols (Or however the crap you soell that...)!
Well, ima gonna go get something to eat.

-The Awesome Writer

Friday, September 23, 2011

New Beginning

Well, this is the second blog about moi. Life of a Bookworm is pretty much DEAD now, and I want to begin doing this again. So, here I am, with my new blog!
I'm in a bit of a rush right now to go to Anna's for a sleepover, so I'll leave only basic information right now if by some random case you didn't know- name's Alyssa Jensen, I'm fourteen years old and an aspiring writer who takes it very seriously.
So, that's the basic stuff. I hope to be updating this more.

-The Awesome Writer (by the way, in case you didn't notice, that's my URL to this since lifeofawriter was taken. Sadness :()